FOI (Freedom of Information) – Lists of British Army Personnel Deaths in NI, Iraq and Afghanistan
History Hub Ulster was recently advised of a FOI submission and response made in 2015 to the Ministry of Defence (MOD) enquiring for the official list of deaths of British Army personnel in the Northern Ireland conflict, Iraq and Afghanistan.
The list which can be found by clicking here is in 4 parts:
- Response letter dated 23/11/2015 from the MOD;
- Spreadsheet listing deaths between 09/04/2002 to 23/07/2015 (Afghanistan);
- Spreadsheet listing deaths between 15/08/1969 to 24/03/2007 (Northern Ireland);
- Spreadsheet listing deaths during the Iraq War between 21/03/2003 to 12/02/2009 (Iraq).
The respondent will usually only give information on what is requested under FOI; this is detailed in the MOD response.
With regard to Northern Ireland, various groups have expanded their research from just military deaths to include other categories eg police, prison officers and civilians. One such organisation is the Northern Ireland Veterans Association. Their website has a detailed Roll of Honour at this link.
Queries, if any should be addressed to either the Ministry of Defence (as per their response letter) or to the Northern Ireland Veterans Association.